Mattermost: Instant Messaging / Stay in Touch

instant messaging
Instant messaging app for users of the research MRI facility

Mattermost is an open-source alternative to Slack and Microsoft Teams. Similar to those programs, it is a tool for instant messaging and collaboration. If you have MRI questions or want to connect with other BCCH MRI Research Facility users, you can use Mattermost to connect with us.

BCCHR IT Instructions

If you are on the BCCHR VPN, you can follow instructions from the BCCHR Hub here:

Otherwise, you can follow these directions:


[NOTE: You will need a BCCHR username and password to gain access.]

  1. First thing you will want to do is get invited to our ‘team’:
    Click here to be invited
    If that link does not work, you can submit a request to IT via
  2. You will be asked “Where would you like to view this?” For now, click “View in Browser”
  3. You will be asked to login with your BCCHR username and password:
  4. After you are given access, refresh the login (i.e. log out and log back in to



As described above, you can check out Mattermost on your browser first before you decide to install the app on your computer or phone:


For your computer, you will want to install Mattermost Desktop. Click here to choose your operating system and use their installation guide.

For server display name, use: BCCH Research MRI

For server URL, use:

Login with your BCCHR username and password


Mattermost can also be installed on your phone. Click here to choose your phone operating system.

For server display name, use: BCCH Research MRI

For server URL, use:

Login with your BCCHR username and password

Next Steps

Learn more

If you want to learn more about Mattermost and its features, visit

Add A Photo of Yourself

It can be very helpful to others to include a photo or yourself.

  1. Go to Account Settings (Top right on Desktop app, and bottom right on Mobile app)
  2. Click on Your Profile
  3. Edit your Profile Picture


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